Rolfe Security Consulting / Church Security Book / Conference Speaker

Rolfe Security Consulting / Church Security Book / Conference Speaker
Watch My Sheep - Establishing and Running Your Security Ministry.
“Watch My Sheep”is a guide for churches, police officers and security volunteers, to set up security teams at their local churches. The church is a soft target but doesn’t need to be. Churches can still maintain an open and inviting posture while greatly improving their security. Churches have special considerations for security that go way beyond the scope of just active shooter training.
“Watch My Sheep” takes a deep dive into establishing the need for security, assessing current threat profiles, selecting leadership and team members, identifying threats and remedy’s. "Watch My Sheep" gives practical, tactical direction for anyone involved in setting up a security ministry.
"Watch My Sheep"
"Church Security Seminars"
15 steps to establishing your security ministry.
This program will give you the guidelines to providing a safer environment for your guests and staff. We address the top 3 concerns of Pastors. The program is ministry focused - addressing gaining high level support, leadership & team selection, site assessments, policy issues, team deployment, threats and remedies and much more. Customizable for your church or group.
"Safe Travels"
Travel Security information to protect your top assets - your employees! Great for companies, associations, mission team, anyone who travels. Now booking events for fall 2020 and 2021.
Everyone is concerned about security but how are you preparing your people to be safer and more secure on the road. Teach your "Road Warriors" to be safer on the road! We cover security at the airport, in hotels, public spaces and transportation. Learn about protecting corporate assets and information. Actionable tips and practices to keep you safer!
"Securing Your World"
Are you living in fear, thinking there is nothing you can do to avoid random acts of violence? You can do something and this program will teach you new ways to combat senseless criminal behavior.
Jack can help you in setting up your team and offer direction in the following areas.
Security Ministry Set Up & Operations
Policy Reviews
Property Security Assessments
Threat Assessments
Best Travel Practices
Securing Your World
Jack Rolfe heads up church security at a mega church in the Chicago Area with over 8000 guests every week. His team is made up of over 90 people, many are Federal, State, County and Local Law Enforcement Professionals.
Jack has written and tested all the security protocols for the church. He has over 20 years working in a church security environment successfully dealing with many different threats & issues.
He is a security consultant working with churches and business to assist in establishing and improving security at those facilities.
He is an active conference speaker offering programs on church security, "Watch My Sheep" Church Security Seminars", corporate travel security, "Safe Travels" and personal security "Securing Your World"
Jack can fill-in last minute speaking requests on many occasions - please email Jack to check his schedule! He brings timely, actionable information with humor and energy.
Jack is the author of “Watch My Sheep” which he recently published. The Book offers practical, tactical information on day to day operations of security teams for churches and business's.
Jack invented a device to identify plain clothes Police & Security people and protect them from Friendly Fire which can be found at ""
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